A CAMPAIGN to get broadband Internet services for Sedgefield and Fishburn is nearing a successful conclusion.

The campaign for more efficient Internet access started in March with the purpose of bringing broadband to the Sedgefield exchange, which also covers Fishburn and surrounding communities.

When the campaign was launched, only 150 people had registered their interest in broadband. Angry that the village was being left out, Fishburn Online decided to start a broadband campaign.

The campaign saw a huge response, registrations rose and in April, BT set a trigger level of 400 for the Sedgefield exchange, which is the number of people needed to register an interest before the technology is enabled.

This was revised to 350 in June. To date 325 people have registered their interest meaning there are only 25 more registrations needed.

For more information about the campaign visit www.fishburn.net/broadband.