BOB the Builder, Harry Potter and other children's literary favourites made an appearance at a primary school yesterday.

Sedgefield Primary School held a book exchange day, when children were encouraged to dress up as their favourite book characters.

The day was devoted to activities, games and competitions connected with books.

There were bookmark and short story competitions, as well as a book quiz.

Children and staff also took in books, which went on sale at 25p each. The proceeds from the sale will go to Book Aid International to buy books for children in Africa and Asia.

A school spokeswoman said: "The children have really enjoyed themselves and we've had a wide range of costumes.

"We've had Bob the Builder, Harry Potter and fairytale princesses, and we've had teachers as fairy godmothers and witches.

"I'm not sure how much money we have raised, but I think the book sale has gone better than anyone expected."