A CAMPAIGN designed to make sure more families take up the benefits they are entitled is being launched.

Durham County Council will host the Local Government Association's (LGA) Quids for Kids northern regional conference today.

The campaign is mainly focused on disabled children, lone parents and low-paid parents.

During the event, Sir Jeremy Beecham chairman of the LGA, will present the council with a good practice award for its plans to co-ordinate a two-stage take-up campaign covering both benefits for disabled children and the new tax credit.

It is hoped the conference will make councils across the north aware of the impact they can have in leading the fight against child poverty at a local level.

Sir Jeremy will tell the conference: "Local councils are well placed to help the Government deliver the new child tax credits and arrange other benefits."

Chris Graham, a principal welfare rights officer with the county council, said: "We are constantly using local databases to identify potential benefit claimants and we will be vigorously promoting the campaign across the county over the coming months.

"We are proud to be recognised by the LGA as a model of good practice and this conference will help to spread that practice throughout the region."

Anyone living in County Durham can contact the council's welfare rights team on 0191-374 0520.