YOUNGSTERS from Hartlepool and Stockton have taken part in a first aid competition.

The event was organised by the Department of Health and Care at Hartlepool College of Further Education.

Those taking part learn ed how to help in emergency situations.

Each school entered a team of three, year ten, students who were taught skills in the morning.

In the afternoon, the teams dealt with practical first aid situations includ-ing resuscitation, the recovery position, telephoning for help, and how to treat wounds and bleeding.

First prize on the day went to pupils from Ian Ramsey School, Stockton, who won a top-of-the-range colour printer.

Second and third prize went to Manor College of Technology and Brierton School, both in Hartlepool, who won computer equipment.

The event was sponsored by Gillens Stores, University of Teesside, learn2work and Staples.

Gail Arnold, lecturer in the department of health and care, said: "The challenge days are a good way of introducing the students to first aid, they are given an experience outside their school setting.

"It is also gives the students an insight into health and social care as a career."