BEING a good neighbour isn't always appreciated - as one dog lover found out to his cost.

He had volunteered to feed an absent friend's animals when he was away - but had not counted on what the dogs thought of the arrangement.

The 32-year-old ended up taking refuge and calling the police for help when one of the bull terriers turned nasty.

He was chased through his neighbour's house in the Acomb area of York, and had to shut himself in the upstairs kitchen.

With the dog growling at the door and the house keys left in the front door downstairs, there was no escape.

Inspector Glyn Payne said officers attended the flat after receiving reports that one of the dogs had "gone berserk".

The officers used a nine-metre ladder to get the man out through an upstairs window.

Yesterday, police were working with animal carers to ensure the two dogs could be looked after until their owner returned.