COUNCIL officials said yesterday that a new kerbside recycling scheme would be more convenient and accessible for Darlington people.

The scheme will be phased in across the borough during September, October and November, and the first collection boxes should be delivered in August.

In the run up to each phase, residents will receive a free, 55 litre, green plastic recycling box in which to store certain items of domestic rubbish.

Once a fortnight, on the same day as normal refuse collections, the boxes will be emptied by kerbside teams who will sort the rubbish and take it away in specially designed vehicles for recycling.

Councillor Chris McEwan, Darlington Borough Council's cabinet member for community protection, said: "By providing people with a box in which to store recyclable domestic refuse items, and by emptying the box once a fortnight from outside people's homes, Time to Recycle will make recycling more convenient and accessible for many more people in Darlington.

"The scheme will make it easier for us all to contribute to protecting our environment for future generations, and help Darlington increase the amount of waste it recycles."

Paper, junk mail and magazines should be put out in plastic bags next to the kerbside box, which will take glass, textiles, aluminium and steel cans and clear plastics.

Items that will not be collected include cardboard, envelopes with plastic windows, glass, gift wrapping paper, plastic or metal bottle tops.