DANCE music stars will perform before thousands of North-East youngsters at a free beach party this weekend.

Radio station Galaxy 105-106 throws its first free beach Party at Sandhaven Beach, South Shields, South Tyneside, tomorrow, from 2pm to 8pm.

Artists confirmed so far are ex-All Saint Mel Blatt and So Solid Crew's Lisa Maffia.

Other performers include Javine, who narrowly missed out joining the Pop Stars: the Rivals group Girls Aloud, and The Cheeky Girls, who also courted fame on Pop Stars, who will sing their latest song, It's a Cheeky Holiday.

Andy Saxton, Galaxy's marketing manager said: "The beach party idea really started as a bit of a barbecue and a sing-song, but it's morphed into the big stage show we have now."

Galaxy managing director, Martyn Healy said: "We want to make this event an annual occurrence."