THE FORCE is with a group of fledgling Jedi warriors who are becoming skilled in the art of light sabre duelling.

Young Star Wars enthusiasts were given a chance to learn the art, as seen in the science fiction films and spin-offs of the George Lucas space adventure series.

Martial arts instructor and science fiction fan Simon Mallinson was the self-appointed Obi Wan Kenobe at a light sabre class run as part of a summer holiday activity programme at Chester-le-Street Community Centre.

The youngsters re-enacted scenes from the Star Wars films.

It was Darth Vader against Luke Skywalker all over again as the trainees were put through their paces by Simon, 'Jedi Master Mallinson' for the day.

Simon said while martial arts were an influential factor behind the concept of light sabre fighting, the event was very much a chance for some summer holiday fun for the eager youngsters.

"We're not doing anything too complex. I'm just teaching them the basic movements to pick up and the rest is about having fun," added Mr Mallinson.

All the 'Jedi trainees' received certificates of competence.