YOUNGSTERS have enjoyed a first taste of a new £10,000 garden at a village community centre.

The garden, at the Community Tea Rooms in Leadgate, near Stanley, was designed and built by villagers Dave and Desree Emerson, with help from youngsters.

Students from Blackfyne Comprehensive School, in Consett, also worked with pupils from Leadgate's junior and infant schools on the project.

Tea rooms secretary Peter Murphy believes involving young people has helped protect the site.

"The teenagers asked for a shelter and a swing at the bottom of the garden and they have really taken care of their area. We are very proud of them."

Parents and children joined older people for a party, featuring old-time songs from the Happy Wanderers and rock from teenagers Uncle Dad.

The vice-chairman of Derwentside District Council, Cath Clarke, officially opened the venue.

Funds came from the National Lottery New Opportunities Fund, administered through environmental charity BTCV.