Overjoyed Kaylee Davidson danced with delight yesterday as she celebrated her GCSE results - 16 years after becoming Britain's first heart transplant baby.

Kaylee made medical history at the age of five months when she underwent the life or death surgery.

Her new heart has served her well ever since - but it skipped a beat on results day as she opened the envelope with trembling hands.

To her delight she achieved the results she needed to take her to college on a performing arts course.

Kaylee's greatest love in life is dancing and she plans to make it her career.

The youngster, from Washington, Tyne and Wear, said: "I was really nervous about my results and I really didn't think I would get them.

"It is a great day, I have always wanted to do the performing arts and now I've got my chance.

Kaylee's mother Carol, 36, said: "I am so proud of Kaylee. To say I am pleased is an understatement, she has surpassed everything we had hoped for."

In August 1987, Kaylee contracted cardiomyopathy, a disease that destroyed her heart muscle.

On October 14 that year, a tiny heart became available and Kaylee underwent six hours of surgery at Newcastle's Freeman Hospital - and is still the youngest child to undergo the operation.

Kaylee, passed food technology, English literature, English and IT, and will begin her GNVQ in performing arts in September at Shiney Row College, near Sunderland.