TENANTS from an east Cleveland housing association have been elected on to the management board of the borough's largest landlord.

Norman Davies, 64, Joan Tait, 61, who will represent the Redcar area and Vinnie Thomas, 74, who will represent the South Bank and Spencerbeck area, were elected on to the board of Coast and Country Housing, which owns and manages 11,800 homes in the area.

They will be expected to attend company meetings and committees, represent the organisation to outside parties and contribute to the development and effective support of company objectives and policies.

The association sent out 4,500 voting papers in the Redcar area and 3,000 in the South Bank and Spencerbeck area before the elections.

Tenant board members Ted Moss, representing Grangetown and Sue Taylor representing east Cleveland will continue to serve until next year, when a further tenant election will be held.