ORGANISERS of Richmond's annual Whitsun carnival have handed over a £500 cheque to a lifesaving service.

The money was collected during the three-day Richmond Meet earlier this year and president, Bob White - a first aid training manager with the Tees, East and North Yorkshire Ambulance Service - chose the Yorkshire Air Ambulance as his nominated charity. He said: "First aid is a good start but the helicopter provides the high-speed link from the scene to the hospital and Richmond Meet feels the Dales area in particular should support the Yorkshire Air Ambulance."

DECEPTION CHARGES: A pregnant woman appeared before Harrogate magistrates yesterday and pleaded guilty to five counts of dishonesty. Jennifer Linda Johnson, 23, admitted receiving a stolen cheque book and jointly obtaining a £100 computer console and games by deception. She also admitted three offences of possession of false Yorkshire Bank cheques. Magistrates ordered probation reports to be prepared before sentence is passed and granted her bail until October 6. Johnson entered no pleas to three more charges alleging obtaining groceries worth a total of £210.29 by deception and these were adjourned until September 29.

CIGS STOLEN: Thieves forced their way into the kiosk at a Richmond garage in the early hours of yesterday. The intruders forced a padlock holding down the steel shutters to get into Petch's premises, on Victoria Road, and stole a small quantity of cigarettes before 3.30am. Anyone who has information is asked to contact Richmond police on (01609) 789321.

HELPING HAND: Quarry operator Hanson has given £150 to help cover the costs of the annual report of the High Batts Nature Reserve, on the edge of Ripon. The 32 acres of woodland is next to a quarry run by the firm, which has contributed to the reserve's administration costs for the past five years.

STAR SEARCH: The hunt begins for the stars of Richmond Operatic Society's next production tonight. Auditions will be held from 7.30pm in the Operatic Hall on Bargate for parts in Soiree D'Amour, at the Georgian Theatre Royal in November.

LORRY THEFT: Two HGVs parked at the lorry park at Barton had their curtain-sided trailers slashed early yesterday morning. Four 21-speed children's mountain bikes were stolen.