POLICE, fire brigade and customs officials are blitzing an east Durham village in an attempt to clean up its streets.

The week-long operation, began in the village of Horden, Peterlee, on Monday, with the aim of cleaning up the area in every sense.

Police obtained search warrants to enter several homes in the village and, as a result, two men have been arrested and charged with possession of drugs and a third has been arrested and bailed after a CS gas canister was found at his home.

Elsewhere in the village police and customs officials seized more than £1,000 worth of contraband tobacco.

Throughout the week, untaxed and abandoned cars are being clamped and removed from the area.

In addition, Easington District Council's environmental services department has launched a crackdown on issues such as dog fouling, nuisance neighbours and graffiti.

Customs and Excise officials, Horden Parish Council, the local youth offending team and Easington Substance Misuse Group are also involved in the intiative, called Operation Dormobile, which has been co-ordinated by the local Anti-Social Behaviour Unit (ASBU).

Sergeant Dave Young, one of the five ASBU staff, said: "We are targeting local criminals and others who are bringing down the quality of life for local residents.

"By responding to public concerns and acting on the issues which people feel most strongly about, we plan to send out a strong message that law-breaking and anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated."

Easington District Council's environmental services development manager, Colin Huntington, said: "We will be tackling the sorts of things that strike people the moment they open their door and step outside. These include fly-tipping, dog fouling, graffiti on bus shelters and the accumulation of rubbish in yards and back lanes.

"We can't solve all the problems in one week, a lot of our actions will obviously be long term. But if we can take that first massive step, hopefully people will sit up, take notice and realise that we do care about the environment."

Residents who have concerns about environmental issues such as the removal of rubbish are being urged to ring the council's Envirocall number, 0191-527 5040.