A CONTROVERSIAL plan to create a £45m shopping complex in Darlington is likely to be referred to Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott next week.

More than 250 people have objected to the proposals for a redevelopment of the Queen Street arcade, which would include a multi-storey car park.

An outline planning application will go before councillors on Wednesday and officers have recommended it be referred to Mr Prescott.

The proposed two-storey shopping complex would include roof parking for 230 vehicles and a link to a multi-storey car park for 799 vehicles.

But the parking proposals have prompted anger from nearby residents and businesses.

Darlington Borough Council has received 37 individual letters of complaint, plus two petitions containing 165 and 67 signatures.

Several organisations, including the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England and Friends of North Lodge Park, have expressed concerns about parking.

One resident's letter describes the proposed car park as a "crazy idea for what is a residential and conservation area".

Others claim it would increase noise and pollution on North Road and pose a danger to children.

Town leaders say the complex would attract big-name retailers, shoppers from all over the region and would be in line with plans to develop the town centre and provide more car parking.

The developer, St Martin's Property Investments, commissioned an air quality survey which found that emissions were not likely to affect the area.