LIVER swap patient Laura Fairlamb has been given another chance for a new life after her second transplant operation.

The 21-year-old was given only a two per cent chance of survival and told to say her goodbyes after her first liver failed.

But, at the 11th hour, a new liver was found after a year-long wait.

Her other organs were starting to shut down when she underwent the gruelling operation at Newcastle's Freeman Hospital.

Eight months on, Laura is winning her battle for life and urged people to join the organ donor list.

She said: "I count myself as one of the lucky ones because so many people die waiting. I was in hospital for three months after the operation and there was talk of a third transplant which had the family reeling.

"But thankfully that hasn't been necessary. I'm not out of the woods yet, but every day I'm getting stronger."

Laura, who has a place to study physiotherapy at Teesside University next year, had her first liver transplant at 18 when she was struck by a potentially fatal virus. It lasted three years.

Before the second operation, Laura, of Lanchester, County Durham, was virtually housebound.

She suffered massive internal bleeding and needed transfusions during the 12-hour operation, which she underwent in January.

Her mother, Dawn, 42, sister, Alex, 17, boyfriend, Christopher Beedam, 21, and grandmother, Janet Tulip, all kept a bedside vigil.

Mrs Fairlamb said: "When she woke up after the operation the jaundice had gone and for the first time in ages I could see the whites of her eyes. It was wonderful."

Laura is currently doing a part-time physiology course at Derwentside College and is building up her strength taking her six-month-old Jack Russell puppy, Maizie, for daily walks.