A SERVICE which provides invaluable support for elderly people in the Darlington area has doubled its membership over the past three years.

The borough council's Lifeline scheme benefits about 2,500 people, giving them access to a 24-hour alarm system should they become ill or have an accident at home.

More than 800 people are linked to the system, which works from a telephone or from an electronic pendant worn by the client.

In the event of an emergency, the pendant can be used to send a signal to the council's control room so that a mobile warden can respond to the call.

In addition, 1,650 people who live in the authority's sheltered accommodation have pull cords installed in their homes to alert wardens if needed.

Councillor Lee Vasey, council cabinet member for housing, said: " More older people in Darlington are now choosing to live independently. Lifeline offers the opportunity to do so safe in the knowledge that help is at hand if needed any time day or night."