A LEEK club has its first female champion in its 41-year history.

Denise Ledley is the toast of the leek club at the Royal British Legion in Newton Aycliffe after claiming first prize.

She won in the pot leek section with an entry measuring 170.49 cubic inches.

She comfortably beat Graham Pape, who took second place with a leek measuring 125.47cu in, John Malcolm came third with an entry measuring 124.22cu in.

Other winners:

Best pair of leeks - Graham Pape; Intermediate leek - Lol Burniston; Long leek - Derek Percival; Most points in leek section - Derek Percival; Most improved leeks - Denise Ledley; Most points leek club member - Derek Percival; Most points flowers - Derek Percival; Most points in show - Derek Percival; Most points buttonhole - Eddie Graham.