A SENSORY garden has been opened in memory of a much-loved North-East boy who was killed while on a family holiday in Ireland.

Four-year-old Rio Singh Ranja Potiwal was knocked down by a car days into a holiday with relatives in August.

His death shocked people in Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough, and Listowel, in County Kerry.

Yesterday, his classmates and teachers joined his family at Nunthorpe Primary School to open Rio's Garden and pay tribute to the youngster.

Parents of pupils at the school raised money for decorative benches, scented flowers and textured plants outside the nursery he attended.

His father, Bharat Singh, of Clarence Road, Nunthorpe, said: "This is a lovely way to remember Rio and I would like to thank the school and everyone who has been in touch.

"We are still coming to terms with what happened, and the school has been fantastic in the support they have shown.

"It has been so difficult over the last couple of months but this is helping us to take a step forward."

Mr Singh named his son, who had three older sisters, after his favourite footballer, Rio Ferdinand. The Manchester United and England star wrote to him to offer his condolences.

Mr Singh said: "He said the fact there was a little boy named after him that had been running around meant more to him than any of the cups or medals he has won.

"It is gestures like that make you realise how important life is and why we have to make the most of it."

A remembrance service was held after school yesterday.

Deputy headteacher Scott McFarlane said: "We are a small school within a close community and we wanted to do something that would be a fitting tribute to Rio."