THE brother of a Leeds United fan stabbed to death in Istanbul has admitted "lashing out" at a cameraman ahead of a match between England and Turkey earlier this year.

Yesterday's case, before Sunderland Magistrates, started days before another tense encounter between the two countries, which England fans have been warned to stay away from for their own safety.

Father-of-one Andrew Stuart Loftus, an IT worker, of Harehills, Leeds, admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words and behaviour before the Euro 2004 qualifier, at Sunderland's Stadium of Light, on April 2.

England won the match 2-0 but riot police on horses were called in to disperse thugs trying to attack Turkey fans as they arrived at the ground.

Magistrates heard that the 32-year-old ran over to a camera crew filming fans streaming towards the ground and lashed out, swinging two or three punches at the cameraman.

Richard Roger, mitigating, said Loftus had developed a dislike of camera crews since the media coverage of his brother's murder.

Veronica Jordan, prosecuting, said: "The defendant began attacking the cameraman, throwing two or three punches.

The police arrested him and the cameraman fled from the scene.

"In a police interview, the defendant said he didn't like to be photographed and admitted punching out at the cameraman."

The court heard how Loftus had previous convictions for disorderly behaviour, but none in the past seven years.

Mr Roger, for Loftus, said his client had been seriously affected by the death of his brother.

"This defendant and his family have been through a lot. He snapped on that day - he couldn't take any more, but he is remorseful.

"It is not every day England play Turkey in Sunderland, but he cannot explain why he went to this match."

Loftus was given an 18-month conditional discharge, ordered to pay £95 costs but was spared a ban from attending football matches.

Chairman of the bench, Mavis Creighton, said: "We do sympathise with your position, it must be very, very difficult at times."

* In May 2002 Ali Umit Demir was jailed for 15 years for murdering Christopher Loftus and publican Kevin Speight, 41 on the eve of Galatasaray's UEFA cup clash with Leeds United.