Girls Aloud star Cheryl Tweedy insisted she was not a racist last night after she was found guilty of attacking a black nightclub attendant.

The 20-year-old said she was "stunned and disappointed" after a jury at Kingston Crown Court found her guilty of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

But the singer, of Heaton, Newcastle, said she was pleased that she had been cleared of another charge of racially aggravated assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Judge Richard Haworth sentenced Tweedy to 120 hours community service and ordered her to pay £500 compensation to victim Sophie Amogbokpa and £3,000 prosecution costs.

The judge said it was an "unpleasant piece of drunken violence" and said Tweedy had shown "no remorse whatsoever".

After the sentencing, the pop star stood outside court with her mother and tour manager while her solicitor Paul Harris read out a statement on her behalf.

In it, she said she was "thankful that the jury had accepted that this incident has nothing to do with race."

The dark-haired star said: "I am not a racist and anyone who knows me knows I would not say anything racist."

She added: "I would like to thank my family, friends and fans for their support over this difficult year."

Tweedy punched part-time law student Ms Amogbokpa, 39, in a row over a handful of lollipops in the lavatory of The Drink Nightclub in Guildford, Surrey, on January 11.

Ms Amogbokpa was left with a black eye and bruising.

Judge Haworth told Tweedy: "This was an unpleasant piece of drunken violence which caused Sophie Amogbokpa pain and suffering.

"Her eye was painful for three or four weeks, there was bruising for three months and for a while she had blurred vision. You showed no remorse whatsoever."

He gave out the community service sentence after receiving a probation report saying she was unlikely to reoffend and said he had taken in to account her age and previous good character.

Tweedy was also ordered to pay her victim £500 compensation and pay £3,000 prosecution costs.

The jury of seven men and five women convicted Tweedy of assault occasioning actual bodily harm by a majority of 11 to one.

Tweedy let out a gasp and covered her face with her hands when the jury foreman announced the verdict.

The jury had earlier cleared Tweedy of a charge of racially aggravated assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

The singer claimed she acted in self defence when she punched Miss Amogbokpa.

The attack took place while Tweedy's band, which was formed from contestants in the ITV show Popstars: The Rivals, were recording their first album in Surrey.

Girls Aloud's record label stood by their star yesterday, saying she would continue to be a member of the chart-topping group.

A spokeswoman for Polydor said: "We are pleased Cheryl has been found not guilty of the main charge against her.

"In light of this decision, Cheryl's position in Girls Aloud is unaffected."

But Detective Constable Russ Cannon, of Surrey Police, said: "The conviction in court today, following a thorough investigation, sends out a clear message that offences of this nature will not be tolerated.

"ABH is a serious offence and will always be dealt with accordingly.