VICTIMS of domestic violence who feel they have nowhere to turn are being targeted by a campaign in Darlington.

The Darlington Domestic Violence Forum has joined forces with the borough council and housing associations to offer help to thousands of abused women and men.

The agencies have produced a leaflet giving advice on housing and accommodation.

Hundreds of beer mats featuring the forum's website address - - and helpline number - (01325) 364486 - are being distributed to pubs across the town.

Claire Seymour, a volunteer advisor to the forum, said the campaign was aimed at dispelling some of the myths about the help available.

"It is mostly aimed at women because they tend to be the victims, though of course men can be as well," she said.

"Housing is often an issue for victims and what we want to do is promote choice.

"Most women think that they have got to get out of the house, but sometimes it is possible to get the perpetrator out of the home. We also want them to know there is alternative housing available, even if they have been in rent arrears."

The leaflet explains that a password is available for people who need to talk in confidence to a housing officer about domestic violence.

"Victims need to know that they can talk in confidence to somebody sympathetic," said Ms Seymour.

"Many people are also unaware that there is a women's refuge in the town."

Forum chairman Berni Thompson said the organisation had been at a standstill since it lost funding for a co-ordinator in March.

Money has now been secured to employ a co-ordinator until March 2006.

"We were at the forefront of raising public and professional awareness of the complex issues surrounding domestic violence." Ms Thompson said.

"We were known for our innovative action and we hope to return to that position soon."

The leaflet can be downloaded from the forum's website and is available at the council's housing office. It is hoped to make it available in libraries and doctors' surgeries.

Pubs interested in using the beer mats can contact the forum via the website.

The domestic violence helpline is open Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm.