FAME Academy star David Sneddon said he would put money on Alistair Griffin winning this year's title.

Scot David, who was the first winner of the TV talent show, believes Alistair, 25, from Castleton, North Yorkshire, is the leading singer-songwriter on the programme.

Speaking on the Century FM Goffy in the Morning show, David, who won a £1m recording deal and a luxury lifestyle for a year, said: "I am certain Alistair will win.

"I first met him last year when he took part in the auditions for the first Fame Academy show and he should have got through then.

"He is a very good song writer and I have only voted once during this series, and it was for him.

"I want him to win because he is the best. Even if he does not, he will get signed up no problem and I am sure he will have a big single out by the New Year."

Former busker Alistair has massive support from friends and family, who regularly travel to London to watch him perform on the BBC reality show.

Local villagers have even been raising money to pay for hundreds of phone and text votes in an all-out effort to make sure Alistair wins Fame Academy.

The next round of the show is on Saturday, with one more contestant being voted off. The remaining three students will star in the final the following week.

Published: 25/09/2003