A DRUNK driver who took an innocent passenger on a 17-mile police car chase appeared before magistrates yesterday.

Shane Aaron Montgomery, 20, of Ashlands Road, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, pleaded guilty to drink-driving, dangerous driving, driving with no insurance and otherwise than in accordance with a licence, before Darlington magistrates.

James Thomas, prosecuting, said: "The defendant was more than twice the limit on the evening in question.

"With his friend, he picked up a member of the public to offer him a lift back and that unsuspecting person had to sit through a 17-mile chase where the defendant was pursued by a number of police cars along the A167 into the Northallerton area, having initially started in Darlington.

"He had been pursed by police cars over the total distance.

"Fortunately, there were no accidents. It was in the early hours of the morning, but it is clear, looking at the air pursuit video, that the defendant was travelling across the road at certain times.

"Although there was not any efforts by Durham Constabulary to stop the vehicle, they were, however, following, and it was a 17-mile chase - and a situation where this passenger said he had the worst night of his life."

Magistrates decided to adjourn the case to Teesside Crown Court for sentencing, at a date to be fixed.