AN Army security unit tracked a driver who staggered out of a country pub and drove across Harrogate at speeds of up to 60mph, a court heard.

Peter Scott, prosecuting, said the patrol covering roads close to Harrogate's Army Foundation College followed Philip Dawson after seeing him clamber into a Ford Mondeo at the Sun Inn, at Norwood.

The car was driven erratically along Penny Pot Lane, weaving from side to side at 50-60mph.

Harrogate Magistrates Court heard that the Army team contacted North Yorkshire Police and continued to follow the Mondeo, which narrowly missed colliding with other vehicles.

Dawson, 40, who was at the wheel in defiance of a driving ban, refused a breath test when stopped by police and threatened Inspector Aubrey Smith.

Mr Scott said Dawson was banned for dangerous driving in 1993, never took a re-test and was still disqualified.

It was 12 hours after the incident on May 25 before checks showed Dawson, of Fairfax Avenue, Harrogate, below the drink-drive level.

David Camidge, defending, said Dawson, who had previous convictions, had kept out of trouble for eight years.

Dawson admitted failing to provide a breath specimen, threatening behaviour and driving while disqualified and without insurance.

He was placed on probation for 30 months, ordered to do 100 hours of unpaid community work, and pay fines of £200 and costs of £85. He was banned from driving for 18 months.