A GANG carrying a cache of weapons, including knives, iron bars and bats, allegedly stormed a house and stabbed three people, a court was told yesterday.

The victims, including two asylum seekers, were left needing life-saving surgery following a "vicious and sustained attack" in Middlesbrough on March 17, Teesside Crown Court was told.

The court heard that the gang of men and women went to an address in Albany Street at about 2.20am, carrying wooden sticks, wheel braces, bats, iron bars and scissors, and threatened to kill the occupants.

One of the gang, Damien Stephenson, produced a rambo-style knife and stabbed Michelle Grant in the chest, before threatening to kill mother-of-three Kaydia Bailey and then stabbing her in the back, causing her lung to collapse, said Christopher Attwooll, prosecuting.

It is alleged the gang stole mobile phones and cash.

Andrew Woodier, 23, of Albert Road, Paul Ward, 25, of Percy Street, Janine Taylor, 33, of Marlborough Gardens, David Hagan, 31, all of Middlesbrough, and Damien Stephenson, 23, of Sceaux Gardens, Camberwell, London, are all charged with three counts of attempted murder, three counts of wounding with intent and one charge of aggravated burglary. They have all pleaded not guilty.

Another man, Jermaine Haslam, 26, of Sunnyside, Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough, was also due to stand trial but his indictment was stayed and he was discharged after Judge Peter Fox declared he would not be able to have a fair trial.

Oliver White, a Jamaican asylum seeker, formerly of Kingston Street, Middlesbrough, went to the house to meet his partner Kaydia Bailey, also an asylum seeker, and Michelle Grant, who were there to buy cannabis.

He said: "A man shouted the guns are coming, you are all going to die. He walked up and stabbed me in the chest."

The trial continues.