ONE of Bishop Auckland Football Club's best fans has celebrated her centenary.

With two children to bring up, widow Lavinia Stockport still found time to cheer on the team that became the most famous amateur club in Britain.

As a member of the supporters club, she knew players including Bob Paisley, who went on to become Liverpool manager, and Bob Hardisty. She also joined the rush to Wembley for some of the side's ten FA Amateur Cup wins.

Behind the scenes, Mrs Stockport made tea and washed the players' shirts, while working hard at her home in Frederick Street.

Her husband, Tommy, was only 42 when he died just before the Second World War, leaving her alone to care for her son Tommy, then 14, and six-year-old daughter Mary.

She took in washing and kept house at The Clarence for the Cummins family, who ran a fishing tackle business in Newgate Street.

Mrs Stockport lives with Mary, now Mrs Illingworth, in Durham Street, where she led five generations of her family in a celebration on Sunday.

Mr Stockport said: "She has always been a hard worker. She brought us up alone and never stopped from morning to night."

The Queen sent a birthday card and the chairwoman of Wear Valley District Council, Councillor Margaret Douthwaite and vice-chairwoman Councillor Margaret Jones, delivered a bouquet of flowers.