Regulars celebrate Hallowe'en night in the Rovers in Coronation Street (ITV1) with Steve and Karen getting into the horrific swing of things, unaware that Tracy has a few secrets up her sleeve. Namely, the fact that Steve is the father of her baby.

She does consider telling him but when Roy and Hayley wave £10,000 in used fivers under her nose, Tracy decides that silence is the wisest - and most profitable - course.

Luce and Shell are still trying to make Two Wives Peter Barlow pay for his bigamy. Luce, in particular, is showing all the signs of turning into a bunny-boiling psycho. When she sees Luce meeting Two Wives, she thinks they're hatching a plot against her.

Fiz is stunned to discover that Les Battersby is dating her mother, which is something we wouldn't wish on any healthy woman. This is particularly upsetting for Fiz as she doesn't get on with her mother.

Maxine sends a message from beyond the grave - probably begging for a Dirty Den-like resurrection to boost her career. And, oh yes, Rosie the demon spawn of Sally and Kevin gets a part in Grease. Which makes a change from eating it on the fish fingers that her mum serves up with monotonous regularity.

In EastEnders (BBC1), the Ferreiras help Shirley get her own back on Gavin the neighbour from hell. To be quite honest, nobody cares.

Dirty Den is more concerned to find out who's selling drugs in his club Angie's Den. The finger of suspicion points at Tariq after Kelly's collapse from taking Ecstasy. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes when Dirty Den finds out. Barry the most boring man in soap continues to spend money like there's no tomorrow on scheming Janine. A wedding might well be among his plans. Kat, meanwhile, is having doubts about her wedding - not about whether to marry Andy or Alfie, but where to hold the reception.

Just don't tell Lisa. She's drinking anything she can get her hands on. Working behind the bar at Angie's Den is going to her head. Can Dirty Den prevent her from doing something serious (like return her hair to its natural colour?).

Robert and Elaine end up in bed together for the first time since the accident (with a car not contraception) in Emmerdale (ITV1) and all that activity jolts her memory. This is not good news for Robert, especially if she remembers that he was driving the crashed car and not her.

Gloria and her personal assistant, Hillary, are getting very, well, personal. So are Ashley the vicar and Louise the barmaid. If they get married, will she be serving holy spirit at the Woolpack?