A DECISION on plans for 32 flats to be built in Darlington was deferred yesterday.

Maro Developments had been seeking support for the scheme in Woodland Road, despite several objections.

But members of Darlington Borough Council's planning committee said they were unhappy with the density of the development, which would have brought two-bedroom flats to the site of a former petrol station and an area to the rear of Cockerton Club.

Objectors crowded into the meeting to make their views known.

Spokesman Peter Ashmore said: "Residents have always said they would welcome the redevelopment of this site, but not at any cost. It has to be of sensible scale and proportion."

Council planning officers received 42 letters of objection to the initial proposals, which were deferred by councillors.

A further 36 letters complained about the amended plans, which protestors said showed the depth of opposition. They are concerned about the size of the development, loss of privacy, noise levels and a lack of provision for children.

Darlington planning officers will now take the scheme back to the developers to seek a compromise.