A DARLINGTON primary school has embarked on an innovative programme to teach its children French.

Firthmoor Primary School is one of the borough's schools involved in a scheme to introduce young children to modern foreign languages.

The school has already carried out video-conferencing with students at Hummersknott School and Language College in the town. Eastbourne Comprehensive School is also working with the primary school.

In addition, the school stages 'golden hour' on a Fridays, when pupils can select any subject they wish. A large number have chosen French.

The initiative was launched with an assembly at which year two pupils sang French songs and enacted sketches for fellow pupils and families.

Deputy headteacher Alfreda Lindley said: "We are breaking new ground for this school in introducing children to a modern foreign language. This project is very special for us.

"This is just the start for us. The aim is to ensure that by the time children leave this school all of them will have had the opportunity to learn French, as well as other languages, over the course of the initiative. We hope that we can enthuse them to take their studies of languages further."

Other projects at Firthmoor include an after-school Asian dance club and a 'golden table' where teachers serve selected pupils at lunchtime.