AN author has appealed for help to find a fighter plane propeller blade which was signed by war hero George Bennions.

Ken Chester said the location of the blade, which appears in a photograph of members of the 41 Squadron at RAF Catterick in 1940, was a mystery.

While researching a book, he was shown the picture by Squadron Leader Bennions, now 90, of Catterick Village, North Yorkshire, who flew Spitfires during the Second World War and won the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Mr Chester, from Teesside, said: "It was a normal thing to do if one of the pilots had shot a plane down. They would keep the blade as a piece of memorabilia and sign it. It looks as though it is either from a German fighter plane or a Spitfire, but no one has any idea what happened to it.

"It would be wonderful to find out and to see if it could be returned to the squadron. It would also be interesting to hear from anyone who recognises any of the pilots in the picture."

Sqn Ldr Bennion's daughter Shirley Wilson, from Catterick Village, said: "It would be very interesting to know where it went. No one has a clue."

Mr Chester can be contacted on (01642) 272829.