A TEAM of crimefighters is recruiting actors to give performances in the community.

Hambleton Community Safety Partnership is hoping to establish a series of drama groups across the district to help deliver its anti-crime message.

The campaign, which is being co-ordinated with the support of trading standards officers, will start with a tour of Feeling Good - Keeping Safe, a play to educate and raise awareness of doorstep crime.

It will be aimed at older people and will be performed for day centres, sheltered housing schemes and luncheon groups.

"Doorstep crime and distraction burglaries are a big problem for people of all ages, but especially amongst the older members of our community," said partnership spokesman Alison Oldfield.

"Most people calling at homes are genuine, but there are some who are out to trick people, perhaps posing as officials to gain access to property in order to steal.

"This play sets out to encourage self confidence and help residents feel more in control of their own safety."

She said actors of all ages were needed to help get the initiative started. If it is successful, the campaign will be run again.

Anyone wishing to join a drama group, or arrange a visit by the Community Safety Team, should contact Alison Oldfield on (01609) 767243.

* A video package for the elderly is available. Beat the Bogeyman is aimed at people who may not be able to get out of their homes.

All screenings of the video are supervised by trained officers. For details, call Ms Oldfield on the above number.