ON Wednesday evening last week, Borderway Mart, Carlisle, saw the 21st Northern Expo Holstein Show when more than 80 cattle were presented to the international judge, Brian Coghlin, president and general manager of Foundation Sires, Canada.

The grand champion, Marsbar Marker Betty VG89, is seen above with, left to right, William Towers of HUKI; Mr Coghlin, Mark Nutsford and Paul Rawcliffe, owners of the champion; John Long of sponsors Pye Farm Feeds, and Mark Towers, chairman of the Expo committee.

Mr Coghlin commented: "Exceptional quality; exceptional people. The devastation of a couple years ago was nowhere to be seen. It was a pleasure to judge this event."

The champion, bred by Marshall Farms, is jointly owned by Almond Holsteins, Dumfriesshire (Paul and Gillian Rawcliffe) and Riverdane Holsteins, Cheshire (Mark and Sue Nutsford). This young cow by Southland Marker calved at the end of June and is still giving 60ltr a day