RESIDENTS are threatening to boycott a £1.3m community centre in Darlington because of a smoking ban.

Maidendale House, is due to open in Firthmoor in January but residents are furious that they were not consulted over plans to make it a no-smoking building.

One woman, who asked not to be named, called it a "white elephant" which people on the estate would not use.

Another, Margaret Thompson, said residents felt a survey should have been carried out on the issue.

"We don't want people to be smoking all over the building," she said. "But there has to be compromise. We'd just like one small room.

"The centre is supposed to be for the people of the estate, many of whom smoke."

Firthmoor Social Club has decided to end its popular monthly social evenings, which would have been held in the centre, because of the decision.

The last one will take place on New Year's Eve in the old community centre.

Kate Vallin, the licensee, said she would not apply for a licence again as people would not attend a social night where they couldn't smoke.

"It has effectively killed our social club," said Mrs Thompson. "It was a success because children could come too so people didn't need to pay for a babysitter."

Mrs Thompson is planning to conduct her own survey of every house on the estate.

But the centre's trustees, some of whom smoke themselves, said the decision was final and was taken on a majority vote.

Dave Preston said the estate had a big problem with smoking, which had to be tackled.

"At the last count 70 per cent of households had at least one smoker," he said. "How can we start to address that problem if we allow smoking?

"I feel sorry for those that do smoke but we have to lead by example. We want to show the young people on this estate that smoking is no longer acceptable."

Neighbourhood manager Sally Forth said: "My recommendation to the social club would be to try the evening at the new centre and see how it goes. Non-smokers might be encouraged to attend."