A CELEBRATION evening will be held for schools across the borough of Stockton after they achieved a health standard.

Thirty-three schools will receive bronze, silver and gold awards at the National Healthy School Standard (NHSS) event at the Education Centre, Norton, next Tuesday.

The certificates will be presented by the Mayor of Stockton, Councillor Ann Cains.

The first schools in the borough to reach the gold award were Thornaby Community School, Hartburn Primary and St Patrick's RC Primary.

Themes included in the NHSS are drugs, sex and relationships, emotional health and well-being, safety and environment, healthy eating, social and health education, citizenship and physical activity. The three schools completed all the themes.

The event will be opened by Chris Willis, chief executive of North Tees Primary Care Trust, and Stanley Bradford, Stockton Borough Council's director of education.

Seven schools will also bid for the School of the Year Award at the event. Representatives of their councils will show how they have contributed to developing a healthy school.