GRANTS of more than £40,000 have helped to create nearly 100 new jobs in Darlington in the last six months.

The cash from Darlington Borough Council's financial incentive scheme has been paid to 35 companies to help them to expand their businesses - and the council says there is more cash on offer.

The grants were paid to a range of businesses including advertising, promotion, property maintenance, food production, IT support, tourism and manufacturing.

The cash is for marketing and promotion, site improvements, the purchase or improvement of industrial, warehouse and office buildings, investment in plant and machinery and investment in product development.

Projects must be based in Darlington and must be involved in manufacturing or the provision of an eligible service to a regional market. Job creation is an essential element of the scheme.

David Lyonnette, the council's cabinet member for economic regeneration, said: "The council's financial incentive scheme has been extremely effective in recent years in helping small to medium sized businesses expand and grow.

"Their growth has meant that we have helped to create hundreds of sustainable jobs for local people."

Cardew Communications Ltd, which sells and maintains telephone systems, received £6,000 towards equipment at its new offices at Lingfield Point.

Use Design, a new business designing promotional and advertising material for service and manufacturing companies, received £2,000 towards start up costs in Northgate House.

Computer support company Bondgate IT Services Ltd received £950 to improve the efficiency of its computer management systems.

Companies wishing to apply for grants should call Mike Toyne at the town hall on (01325) 388682.