REDCAR'S MP has welcomed Government action to help stamp out domestic violence.

Vera Baird MP has welcomed the changes in the domestic violence provisions in the Queens Speech which she hopes will help victims on Teesside.

"The changes will play a role in stamping out the evil of domestic violence which is increasing appalling on Teesside," she said.

"The proposed Domestic Violence and Victims Bill will ensure that the criminal justice system no longer fails to give people who have already suffered from crime the support they need."

She said tough action was long overdue to help people feel safe in their own homes. "Ninety per cent of the victims are women and most of the perpetrators are men..

"Often these men do not see anything wrong with making their partner a prisoner to their will.

"They are left over from a time when men thought they owned women."

She said that children from violent homes do less well at school, are more likely to get into trouble with the police and less likely to get or keep jobs and have poorer health.

"Violent men should remember that inflicting domestic violence is a double crime," she continued.

"They are likely to start receiving double punishment under the provisions of these proposals.

"Personally I look forward to the day when there are no women's refuges because it will be the perpetrator and not the victim who is made to leave the home."