RESIDENTS are being warned to look out for bogus charity workers after thieves stole a collection box.

Crooks took a bag of 200 pin badges worth about £30 and an empty collection tin from a table in the entrance to Asda in Front Street, Stanley, on Thursday, December 4, between noon and 4pm.

Volunteers from the Multiple Sclerosis Society had left the items ahead of a collection day.

Police fear the thieves could use them to dupe the public into parting with cash, or to trick their way into homes with a door-to-door collection.

PC Jim Bates of Stanley police said: "Most charity collectors are good people who give up their time to help others.

"We do not want to put people off giving at Christmas. But residents should ask for identification and be sure that they are handing over cash to a genuine collector."

The bag contained metal pin badges with a variety of festive motifs, such as Santa and Christmas trees. The blue plastic collection box bears the words Multiple Sclerosis Relief and Research.

Anyone with information about the theft or who is approached to buy a pin badge should contact PC Bates at Stanley police station, on (01207) 232144.