AN ARTIST who has studied and taught internationally has returned to her childhood home of Darlington to present a collection of Yorkshire Dales landscapes.

The exhibition of pastel landscape paintings by Barbara McMillan is on display at art dealers William Dodds on Tubwell Row until January.

Mrs McMillan went to school in Darlington and graduated from the Bath Academy of Art. She has displayed private collections in the USA, Singapore and France and worked in Boston as art editor with a publishing firm. She now lives in Cornwall, working as a full-time artist.

Paintings on sale in the exhibition include sweeping scenes of the Eden Valley and Kirby Stevens, along with other views of the Yorkshire Dales presented in strong colour.

Mrs McMillan said: "After living away for so long, it's always refreshing to come here again and paint the beautiful countryside where I grew up. I've always loved the area and the paintings are a way of keeping alive my connections to here."

The paintings are on display at the art shop from 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday, and admission is free.