PUPILS have written poems about the aftermath of a serious fire which tore through their primary school.

The work by Class Y5 at Grangetown Primary School is on view in the children's section of Waterstone's in Captain Cook Square, Middlesbrough.

The bookshop is donating £100 to replace stock damaged in the fire in September.

Headteacher Carl Faulkner said: "We've been very impressed with the quality and the thought that's gone into the work, which has shown the children are very skilled at communicating their feelings through poetry."

Waterstone's children's book buyer Heather Donnelly chose the top three - winner Ryan Smith, ten, and runners-up Thomas Graham and Tony Stubbs.

"I thought they were all excellent and it was extremely hard to choose an outright winner," she said.

The poems are being collated into an anthology to be distributed around the school and the young poets are planning to read their own work to the other classes.