HEALTH watchdogs are urging people to keep their kitchens clean at Christmas, to avoid serving up food poisoning.

Environmental health officers are issuing guidelines to people planning to cater for large groups of family and friends over the festive period.

They are urging people to follow simple food hygiene rules:

* Store raw and cooked food separately, with cooked food on the top shelf and raw food at the bottom;

* Make sure you have got enough fridge and freezer space before buying large quantities of food and drink;

* Do not leave food standing around for several hours in a warm room before being eaten, or make food too far in advance;

* Make sure food has cooled sufficiently before putting it in the fridge and that the fridge thermometer is below 5 degrees C;

* Take care when catering for vulnerable groups, such as infants or the elderly.

Sunderland City Council environmental health officer, Norma Johnston said: "Little things like always remembering to wash your hands along with knives and chopping boards after each stage of preparation, properly rinsing your dishcloths and generally making sure raw and cooked foods don't touch each other before the cooking process are vital things to remember."

For a Catering from Home Safely leaflet, contact the council on 0191-553 1661.