AN appeal to restore a town clock has received £10,000 to match the amount already raised.

The Friends of Redcar Town Clock reached the £10,000 milestone last month, but it is estimated that the full restoration of the clock, which stands in the town centre, will cost £100,000.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council has said it will double the amount raised by the group.

Cabinet chairman Councillor Eric Empson will present £10,000 to Vera Robinson, the Friends' founder, on Monday.

Coun Empson said: "One of our first commitments was to commit £5,000 to get the clock ticking again. We achieved that.

"Now we want to congratulate the Friends for raising their £10,000, and we are very happy to contribute matched funding as promised by the former administration."

Mrs Robinson said: "Our fundraising showed how the clock is held in such fond regard and we are delighted to accept the £10,000 from the council."

An application to the National Lottery for £80,000 will be made next year.