A SURVEY on a proposed housing development in Eaglescliffe has highlighted a number of road safety problems.

Egglescliffe Parish Council commissioned a survey by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents on a proposal to demolish four homes in Aislaby Road to make way for 46 properties.

It followed residents' concerns over access, increased traffic and the suggestion by the developer - Hesland Properties - that people from the development could use the unlit riverside path to walk to and from Yarm.

At a parish council meeting last week, the results of the survey were announced.

RoSPA found walking distances to amenities were substantially different and more difficult than those suggested in the transport assessment submitted by the developer.

It also said the suggested walk of about half a mile to the most useful bus stop was unlikely to convince people to use public transport.

The report recommended that the developers should be required to provide a safe and direct walking and cycling route into Yarm if the development went ahead.

If it was not possible to upgrade the riverside footpath, the developers should investigate the possibility of providing a footpath along Aislaby Road to its junction with the A67.

"The granting of planning permission could seriously compromise the safety of both current and future users of Aislaby Road and may result in additional problems at the junction with the A67 Yarm Road," the survey said.

Parish council chairman, Sue Ireland, said the survey predicted that the development would add about 48 vehicles to the recorded 82 vehicles per hour using the section of the road to the railway bridge - an increase of 59pc on a semi-rural road.

She added that she would refer the results to Cleveland police for consideration under the terms of the Crime and Disorder Act as the report suggested.

"I also propose we send copies of the report to the head of planning and the engineers, the planning committee chairman and the chief executive at Stockton Council," she said.

A copy of the survey will be available for viewing in Egglescliffe library along with a copy of the minutes of last week's meeting.