ENTERTAINERS helped bring the complex world of European funding to life yesterday.

Actors from theatrical group Oddsocks Productions took part in a roadshow at the Georgian Theatre in Richmond, North Yorkshire.

The theatre is one of a number of projects in the region that has benefited from European funding in the past.

Yesterday, it hosted an event to celebrate achievements, consider lessons learned and pave the way for the future.

The region is mid-way through a £313m programme of spending under Europe's Objective 2 funding scheme and those involved were yesterday reviewing the region's existing needs.

Already, the programme has put more than £71m towards creating businesses and helping them survive.

It has provided help for 4,535 business start-ups, funding for 1,290 new businesses, guidance towards self-employment for 554 people and created jobs for 7,345.

More than £69m has been committed to helping the region's communities find new life, while £31.5m towards capital development is set to boost regeneration and economic growth.