STUDENTS at Spennymoor Comprehensive School have created a life-size model camel as the centrepiece of a museum exhibition.

A display of handmade textiles from the Gujarat province of India has gone on show at the Oriental Museum, in Elvet Hall, Durham.

The collection of decorative hangings, clothing, animal harness and religious items belong to private collector Kanchan Malde, whose mother was a skilled embroiderer.

To display the items as authentically as possible, the museum called on students at Spennymoor Comprehensive School to create the camel out of bamboo, chickenwire, plaster bandages and heavy sacking.

Head of art Stephen Livingstone said: "We have a good relationship with the museum, so we are always happy to contribute to exhibitions.

"The students were very enthusiastic and dedicated, working on the model after school. Work like this builds confidence, self-esteem and their reputation to have work on show to members of the public."

Mirror, Bead and Thread runs until Wednesday, March 24