CATHEDRAL choristers will be travelling far and wide over the next 14 months, and they are hoping more will join them.

This Easter, the girl choristers from Ripon Cathedral, in North Yorkshire, will travel to Scotland, where they will give concerts and sing in services.

In March next year, the boys will go to the US, where they will be joined by the lay clerks, the men of the choir, for concerts in Boston, New York and Philadelphia.

There will be an opportunity for others to join them when the cathedral holds its auditions on January 31.

Director of music Andrew Bryden said: "We are looking for potential, not for someone who is highly trained. The ideal chorister material is a child with good aural abilities and a good natural voice.

"Our choristers give an amazing amount of time, energy and talent to the cathedral, both in the regular singing of services and in extra activities such as tours.

"In return they are given a superb musical training and discipline that stays with them for the rest of their lives."

The boy choristers are educated at the Cathedral Choir School.

They receive scholarships of up to 50 per cent of the school fees.

The girl choristers may attend any school in the area. Scholarships to the Choir School are available after a successful audition. Further help with fees may be available.