PARENTS at two Darlington schools have started a petition to protest at an amalgamation that would create the biggest primary school in the area.

Objectors, who include the junior school's governors, say the merger of Whinfield infant and junior schools will disrupt children and staff and lead to the deterioration of the schools.

Consultation on the plans began last month after Darlington Borough Council's cabinet agreed on the amalgamation, which would create a 630-place school.

The council sent out a consultation letter on December 19 and parents and other objectors have until Friday, January 30, to write to the council expressing their views.

Parents at the junior school are now collecting as many signatures as they can for a petition ahead of the deadline.

Protestors last night urged people to write to the council, whether they were in favour or not.

Alison Brannan, who has a son in the junior school and a daughter in the infant school, said: "The teaching team in place and support staff in both of the schools are second to none, and I would hate to see any of these vital team members leave because of this proposed amalgamation, especially when there is no serious advantage to it going ahead."

Governors held a meeting to discuss the issue on Tuesday.

They were concerned that the merger would have a general detrimental effect, would create budget concerns and cause unease amongst staff, who might have to re-apply for their jobs.

They also pointed out that the school would become the biggest primary school in the region, larger than some comprehensive schools.

But a council spokeswoman said last night: "We have only had two letters from parents so far.

"We have held surgeries at the infants' school, when only two sets of parents turned up, and we are holding more surgeries at the juniors' school. We have not heard from the Governors either."

Surgeries are being held in the junior school hall tonight, from 6pm to 7pm, and tomorrow, from 8.30am to 9.30pm, for parents to have the chance to talk to the assistant director of education about the amalgamation.

Objectors are appealing for more parents to attend, and for people to write to Julian Kenshole, performance and development manager, Education Department, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT, by January 30, to express their views.