CHILDREN at Abbey Infant School in Darlington are reaping the benefits of voluntary work by parents, backed by industry.

The school has achieved Eco School status with a green flag award, partially thanks to three donations of £250 from Exxon Mobil and parents Andrew and Karen Horsman.

The first grant went to buy a badge-making machine that is used to make badges to reward children for walking to school as part of a walking train scheme.

Secondly the grant helped to buy a laminating machine used to produce notices and displays to put up around the school.

The latest grant has been used to buy more litter bins for the paths to school, in an effort to reduce litter.

Headteacher Elaine McCue said: "That was the next bit in our Eco school action plan, to try to encourage the children not to drop litter as they were leaving the premises."

Croft-based artist Fran Connelly has painted Lilly the Ladybird, the school's eco mascot, on the bins to make them more attractive.