A FOUR-YEAR-OLD girl who is captivated by a museum has visited the exhibitions every week for the last three years.

Eve Wheeler, from Fishergate, York, visits York Castle Museum so often with her mother, Jo, and father, Martin, that she has made friends with staff and knows her way around the different displays.

She even sent staff a Christmas card.

At the moment, Eve's favourite spot in the museum is an area of the Exploring Armour exhibition in the Military Gallery, where a Scottish invader lies in wait to surprise visitors.

Entry into the museum, and its sister attractions, York Art Gallery and the Yorkshire Museum, are free all year round to people who live in the city.

Mrs Wheeler said: "We come once or twice a week and have been bringing Eve for about three years. We must have saved thousands of pounds.

"The first thing I remember her being interested in was a set of cow horns near the Barn Gallery, but she loves looking at all the old stuff in the displays."

Larch Cardona, museum guide, said: "We have all got to know Eve and we're all happy that she likes the museum so much."

York residents can get free entry to York Castle Museum and the Yorkshire Museum with a York Card, available from public libraries in the city with proof of address. Entry to York Art Gallery is free for all.

This weekend, York residents are being offered free entry to a number of attractions during a Residents First weekend.

Published: 22/01/2004