AN ALLOTMENT shop, funded through coffee mornings and grants, was officially opened at the weekend.

The Mayor of Guisborough, Coun Anne Franklin, opened Guisborough Allotment Society's shop in Wilton Lane, Guisborough, which will be run by volunteers.

The shop, selling compost, fertilisers, seed potatoes and other items, will be open to all allotment holders and gardeners for a £1 membership fee.

Money to open and stock the shop has been raised thanks to £350 from the Guisborough Town Council and coffee mornings organised by the allotment committee.

Marjorie Osborne, from the society, said: "A lot of hard work has gone into making this happen.

"We have a committee of seven allotment holders and we are hoping volunteer helpers will come along to help run the shop on a rota system so it can be open every weekend. We are looking for gardeners to tell us what they would like in the shop and give any help where they can."

Further coffee mornings are planned for March 25 and June 26.