PEOPLE should support the church the same way they support their local McDonald's, a church official has said.

The appeal for greater generosity was made by Canon Keith Punshon after it was revealed that an £85,000 grant to Ripon Cathedral, in North Yorkshire, may be considerably reduced.

The 1,300-year-old cathedral, which costs £3,000 a day to run, is facing a financial crisis after the Church Commissioners announced the proposal to reduce the grant.

The canon, who is treasurer to the cathedral, said: "We all live in a market. McDonald's will flourish if the community supports it. The church will flourish if the community supports the church.

"Give us each week what you give the supermarket and I will be happy."

The cathedral, which is on the verge of raising £500,000 for a new roof on the nave, has declined to introduce admission charges like several other minsters across the country, including York.

Canon Punshon said: "The question of charging will be reviewed, but we have to acknowledge what we are about.

"We must not lose our soul to get money.

"Currently, the Church Commissioners spend £9m a year on cathedrals, with Ripon currently getting £85,000 a year."

That figure could be reduced under plans being considered by the London-based commissioners, whose income has fallen for a variety of reasons, including losses on the finance markets.

Canon Punshon said: "The £85,000 keeps us going for 35 days.

"It is the other 330 days of heating, lighting and the expense of maintaining and running the place that worries us already.

"We are already cash-strapped and operating on a shoestring."